Over the course of retirement, you will be meeting with your client dozens of times. Every time you do, you can use the Client Review Report to produce plan tracking and status data with one click. Read on to learn about what the review includes.
Branded cover page
The logo and titling you provided upon sign up will appear on the cover page, with the status of the plan and the client name(s).

Income Plan Review Summary
This module summarizes key information about the plan’s progress in both a chart and table format. Target segment funding is shown in blue for segments that have not yet begun distributing. Green represents surplus assets and red represents a deficit in assets.
Details are given in the table beneath the chart and provides totals where applicable, including an overall Surplus/Deficit figure for the plan. Segments in distribution do not currently show projected vs. actual analytics.

Income Plan Review Segment Detail
Each segment in the plan that has not yet gone into distribution has a page dedicated to details on its progress. Key highlights including the Required Net ROR for the remainder of the segment’s growth phase are shown along the top of the page.
Similar to the summary module, the target funding is shown in blue on the Funding Status chart, green represents surplus and red represents deficit. The timeline shows the progression from Plan Start towards the segment’s distribution start date.
Accounts linked to the segments are listed below. The Investment Strategy is now featured on this report and can be added to linked investments using the EDIT function in the Invest area.
Examples of detail pages for segments with a surplus and deficit are shown below.

Notes & Recommendations History
Any notes that have been entered into the Make Recommendations window in the Track area are saved here with corresponding date stamps. These notes allow for an ongoing history that appears on all subsequent Review Reports to protect both you and the client.

This page allows you and the client to sign off on all decisions made. Options are given indicating whether no changes to the plan are required, some changes, or an overhaul requiring a new plan. Either way, this page can help create a document trail for modifications to the plan and potential investment product selections along the way.

Disclosures and Disclaimers
The final pages of the Proposal include the disclosure provided to us when you subscribed, standard disclosures for WealthConductor LLC, as well as disclosures specific to the illustrations that appear in this report depending on the features utilized in the plan, such as expenses or income floors.