When there are accounts or securities that do not have convenient electronic access, you can create a Custom Investment and manually maintain the value of the investment for tracking purposes.
To create a new custom investment, open an Approved plan in the Invest area. Click on Create Custom Accounts.
You can now specify a Name, Current Value, and Investment Date for the investment.
To add your new custom investment to a segment, select one of the segment tabs. Click on Place Holdings in This Segment.
From the list of institutions, click on Custom Investment.
You will see a list of all the custom investments you have created. Choose one and then click Save to add it to the segment.
To update the Current Value, Investment Strategy, Product Type, Fee, or Description, click on the Edit button at the far right of the row and choose Edit from the list.
If you are using a Custom investment as a placeholder for an investment that will be linked via an integration in the future, you can use the Edit -> Replace option to substitute the live account for the custom when it becomes available. See Add / Remove / Replace for more info on replacing investments.