Withdrawal Detail is a report module that focuses on the projected withdrawals from accounts to meet expenses and taxes throughout the plan.
The first page of the module includes a chart as well as the following Key Highlights:
Account Withdrawals (Household) is the total projected amount of gross (pre-tax) withdrawals from all accounts throughout the plan.
Account Withdrawals (Client/Joint) is the total projected amount of gross (pre-tax) withdrawals from all accounts owned by each client throughout the plan.
Excess RMD (Household) is the total projected amount of after-tax Required Minimum Distributions that result in income that exceeds the needed amount for expenses and taxes throughout the plan.

The following pages of the module include a data table that gives specific projected annual gross (pre-tax) withdrawals for each account in the plan as well as totals by year and account. All ages shown are as of year-end.

Standard disclosures are provided in the footer, as well as additional disclosures specific to this illustration in the Disclosures section at the end of the report.
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