Social Security Detail is a report module that focuses on the projected Social Security benefits throughout the plan. Benefits and COLA assumptions shown in this report are impacted by inputs to the Social Security claiming strategy.
The first page of the module includes a chart as well as the following Key Highlights:
Total Life Benefit (Household) is the total projected gross (pre-tax) Social Security benefits for the household throughout the plan.
Total Life Benefit (Client) is the total projected gross (pre-tax) Social Security benefits for each client throughout the plan. Spousal benefits and survivor benefits are included in this figure.
Client’s Benefits start at is the projected month/year at which benefits for each client will begin based on the claim age modeled in the plan. If a client is specified as already receiving their benefits, this value will show as Already Claimed.
COLA Assumptions are based on inputs made in the Social Security claiming strategy window. If no modifications are made, defaults will be used.

The following pages of the module include a data table that gives specific projected annual benefit amounts by client as well as totals by year and client. All ages shown are as of year-end.

Standard disclosures are provided in the footer, as well as additional disclosures specific to this illustration in the Disclosures section at the end of the report.
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