Addressing the Most Damaging Retirement Risks Stress testing investments is a good start, but we need to complete the tests: Longevity, Disability, Premature Death, and Hyper Inflation.
Risk Management and E&O Credit We discuss the various lines of insurance which are most pertinent to financial advisors servicing the retirement space.
The Secret Sauce of a Barron’s Top 100 Advisor Closing prospects at the very first appointment without showcasing your investment philosophies or Callan charts.
Medicare De-Mystified Everything advisors need to know about helping their clients as they approach Medicare enrollment.
Growing Your Practice by Specializing in Retirement Income Planning Drive back to your value proposition and put your clients front and center with a research driven approach to bringing value to clients.
Case Studies in the New Plan Editor Equip yourself to quickly illustrate different outcomes using the plan editor's new features.
2020 Q1 Enhancements Learn about new features including Multi-Factor Authentication, the new Plan Editor, Taxes by Segment, and more.
The Best Value in Long Term Care Insurance Discussion of the best value in long term care insurance today using case studies and an interactive software program.
Marketing Your Retirement Income Services Learn about different approaches to marketing your retirement income services from three IncomeConductor users.
Integrations, Linking, and Tracking Review of integrations as well as the enhanced functionality for managing your linked investments.
Financial Strategies for Clients Dealing with Dementia The question isn’t “if” but “how many” of your clients will be impacted by Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
Special Uses of IC & Stump the Chump Two case studies that demonstrate unique uses of IncomeConductor.
Deficits, Draw-downs & More Learn about funding deficits, Readiness Report, segment draw-down, and client ages.
Lifetime Income Products The basics of indexed annuities, where they fit and how they have been adapted to today's market.
8000 Days of Retirement Learn about how the four retirement phases can enable a clear vision to plan and to anticipate what is likely to come.